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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


How To Get Your Ex Back: Focus On The Passion Instead Of The Problem

This article talks about how to get back your ex. The way to get back your ex is to focus on the passion instead of the problems.

I Wish I’d Just Lied About My Affair – Telling The Truth Cost Me Too Much

“I had an affair with a man who takes yoga at the same time that I do. I never had any intention of leaving my husband and my family. So I broke it off with the other man. And I stayed away from him. But my husband had his suspicions and I started to having to field a lot of questions. I asked many of my friends if I should just tell the truth about the affair. They all told me that I should lie. But this just felt wrong to me. So I decided to tell him the truth. I truly believed that he would be devastated but would stand by me. Well, as soon as I told my husband the truth, he left. And he hasn’t come back. And he says that he probably won’t ever be able to forgive me. He says that he will be cordial and receptive to me because he knows that this is important to our kids. But he also says that I have crossed a line that can’t ever be undone. I feel like telling the truth caused me to lose everything. I wish I had just lied.”

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