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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


How To Survive Infidelity and Restore Your Relationship – A 3 Step Plan

When you put the ring on their finger and signed the marriage license, the thought of how to survive infidelity and restore your relationship was, no doubt, the furthest thing from your mind. Now, looking back after the affair, you find yourself overwhelmed and faced with, what must seem like, insurmountable obstacles. How are you processing the infidelity?

The Benefits of An Affair

“God will bless us if we divorce our mates and marry each other. It’s right there in the Bible.” “Really?” I replied. “Please enlighten me.” He was entangled with a woman at his church. Each was married to someone else, but now both professed undying love and devotion to the other. Each complained bitterly about their current marriages and praised God for bringing them together.

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