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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash

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My Husband Refuses To Admit To His Affair – How Can I Make Him Tell Me The Truth?

I often hear from wives who can’t get their husbands to admit to or be honest about his affair. Sometimes, the husband has admitted only to cheating, but he’s trying to diminish or downplay the severity of it and he stops short of calling it a long term thing. Other times, the husband is flat out denying he had an affair even though the wife knows that he did or has evidence to prove it. This can be beyond frustrating for the wives who know part of the truth but who are demanding the whole story. Because they need for their husbands to just be honest, to have some integrity, and to just tell the complete truth. I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “my husband admitted to cheating with a coworker, but I have recently learned that it was much more than cheating. It was an affair. The other woman and I have spoken at length about this and they were cheating for about four months. And, according to her, my husband seemed to be pretty serious about her and about their relationship.”

The Top 5 Signs That a Spouse May Be Cheating

The following signs and there meanings, albeit small, can be significant changes that may signal an affair. Use this list to interpret your partner’s actions and behavior changes. Although some behavior changes may be completely innocent, many are not.

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