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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


My Husband Refuses To Tell Me Why He Cheated And Had An Affair

I recently heard from a wife who said: “I keep approaching my husband about explaining to me what lead up to the affair and what might have contributed to it. I feel like I really need to understand his reasoning and his feelings. I actually thought that our marriage was a good one and that we were happy. My husband says that he doesn’t disagree with this. He says that he was happy for the most part and that he doesn’t fully understand why he cheated on me. When I continue to question him, eventually he gets mad and blows up and tells that he refuses to continue to discuss this. He’s basically saying that he can’t or won’t explain the affair to me and that I really need to just drop it. He says he refuses to spend the rest of his life living under a microscope and having every bit of his behavior examined and analyzed like he’s a horrible person. I need answers and he either can’t or won’t give them to me.”

Forgiving an Affair and Moving On

When you discover that your partner is having an affair it is normal to feel shocked and numb. You will feel as if your whole world has fallen apart and nothing around you will look and feel the same, this is after all something that you never thought would happen in your relationship.

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