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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


How to Forgive a Cheat

At first its hard to feel that you can stay with your girlfriend, being cheated on is one of the worst pains felt in your adult life one of the first hardest decisions to make is if your going to break up with your girlfriend or stay together and make it work. If you decide to make a go of it and stay together it needs to be a serious attempt otherwise it will just end in more heartbreak, sometimes staying together after a cheating as occurred can make your relationship stronger.

The Affair Was Your Choice

Extra marital affairs, adultery whatever the term you want to use can be very hard to mend. A key element in any relationship is trust and when you decide to have an affair that key element is broken. You have made the choice somewhere along the line to have and maintain this affair. So, in all fairness it is your responsibility to do whatever it takes to end it and reconcile your marriage.

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