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Elenco de A gata comeu (Completo)
Ator / Atriz[ Personagem Interpretado (a) na obra original por:
Christiane Torloni Joana Penteado (Jô) Eva Wilma
Nuno Leal Maia Fábio Coutinho Carlos Zara
Bia Seidl Gláucia Brandão Jussara Freire
Mauro Mendonça Horácio Penteado Newton Prado
Anilza Leoni Ester Brandão Penteado Lia de Aguiar
Laerte Morrone Vitório Braga / Vitório Galhardi Edney Giovenazzi
Fátima Freire Paula Queiroz Kate Hansen
Roberto Pirillo Antônio Duarte (Tony) Nélson Caruso
Cláudio Corrêa e Castro Gustavo Penaforte (Gugu) Luiz Carlos de Moraes
Marilu Bueno Tereza Penaforte (Tetê) Elizabeth Hartmann
Luís Carlos Arutim Oscar da Silva Ivan Mesquita
Dirce Migliaccio Conceição da Silva Yolanda Cardoso
Mayara Magri Beatriz Penaforte (Babi) Nádia Lippi
Élcio Romar José Mário Braga (Zé Mário / Braguinha) Paulo Figueiredo
Deborah Evelyn Lenita Brandão Analu Graci
José Mayer Edson da Silva Carlos Nunes como Ernani
Nina de Pádua Ivete da Silva Wanda Stefânia
Eduardo Tornaghi Rafael Benavente Geraldo del Rey
Diana Morel Ofélia Queiroz Carminha Brandão
Rogério Fróes Martim Queiroz Paulo Padilha
Aracy Cardoso Zazá Rachel Martins
Norma Geraldy dona Biloca Leonor Navarro como dona Sinhá
Jayme Periard Tito Rosental João Signorelli
Sônia Regina Alice Léa Camargo como Doralice
Kléber Macedo Televina Norah Fontes
Germano Filho Vicente Arnaldo Weiss
Monah Delacy Graziela Rosental Carmem Marinho
Juan Daniel Padre Aurélio Aldo César
Marina Miranda Nair Wilma de Aguiar como Olga
Mário Polimeno Giovanni Felipe Donavan
Oberdan Júnior Alexandre Queiroz (Xande) Dimitri Orrico
Danton Mello Carlos Eduardo Coutinho (Cuca) Douglas Mazzola
Juliana Martins Suely Queiroz Suzy Camacho
Kátia Moura Adriana Coutinho Ana Luíza Lancaster
Rafael Alvarez Cecílio Muniz (Cecéu) João Luiz
Juliana Lucas Martin Vera Muniz (Verinha) Janice Barreto
Sílvio Perroni Renato de Oliveira (Nanato) Haroldo Botta
Participações especiais
Ator / Atriz Personagem
Alberto Pérez Antigo diretor do colégio onde estudam as crianças
Alfredo Murphy Benjamin, um dos pescadores que salvam os náufragos
Ana Luíza Folly Cecília, secretária na agência de turismo de Horácio, amiga de Paula
Arlete Salles Ela mesma, convidada na festa promovida por Horácio e Ester
Carlos Duval Fiscal dos garis que demite Oscar
Carlos Freitas
Cássio Scapin Enfermeiro do hospital onde Jô fica internada após acidente
Cláudia Wagner Irene, empregada dos Penteado
Cosme dos Santos Toco, um dos sequestradores de Oscar
Danton Jardim Marcelo, amigo de Jô
David Pinheiro Zé Bento, um dos pescadores que salvam os náufragos
Doc Comparato Ele mesmo, a quem Tony pede um papel em uma novela
Eduardo Martini Diretor da peça produzida por Jô
Eliane Narduchi Iara, secretária no escritório de Horácio
Ênio Santos Delegado que investiga o sequestro de Oscar
Eva Todor Ela mesma, convidada na festa promovida por Horácio e Ester
Fernando Bastos Ele mesmo, convidado na festa promovida por Horácio e Ester
Gonzaga Blota Ele mesmo, a quem Tony pede um papel em uma novela
Grande Otelo Ele mesmo, convidado na festa promovida por Horácio e Ester
Herval Rossano Ele mesmo, diretor da novela estrelada por Alice
Joana Rocha Empregada de Ofélia
João Signorelli Varetão, um dos sequestradores de Oscar
Joel Grijó Contínuo
Jomba Policial
Jorge Luiz da Silva Porteiro
José Carlos Sanches Recepcionista do hotel onde Vitório fingia estar hospedado
Júnior Prata Mauro, amigo de Tito
Leonardo José Policial
Lúcia Alves
Miguel Rosenberg Professor Monteiro, diretor do colégio onde trabalha Fábio, Milton Moraes, Neide Aparecida, Neuza Amaral
Neuza Borges Empregada de Tony e Paula no final
Paulo Celestino, Paulo Figueiredo, Pedro Rocha, Regina Restelli, Reinaldo Gonzaga, Rogério Cardoso, Rômulo Arantes e Ronnie Von
As notícias atuais e o melhor da história da TV e dos famosos, curiosidades sobre o mundo das celebridades, o melhor dos programas de fofocas e o melhor das novelas, filmes, séries e dramaturgia. Claro que tem cultura, teatro e entretinimento, claro que tem política, as melhores e lançamentos de músicas, e uma pitada de religião e esporte. O que a sociedade quer debater, sem esquecer que adoramos falar do universo LGBTQIA+, gays e lésbicas famosos, aquele que saíram do armário e se assumiram. Então a gente se encontra no PlocSocial. Contato: [email protected]
#PlocSocial #AGataComeu #Novelas
I Have No Interest In Being Touched By My Spouse After His Cheating, Is It Over Between Us?
“I found out that my fiance cheated on me when his ex girlfriend came back to town for a visit. She was only here for a week, so it did not last for very long. It was so embarrassing to me for my friends to know what he did. I have threatened to call off the wedding. I have really considered it. And one reason for this is that I can’t not stand for him to touch me. I will be crying and talking about the affair and he will reach out to comfort me and I will wiggle away. I will ask him what happens when she comes for another visit and he will try to hug me, but I pull away. If I find his touches and hugs so objectionable, then I can not even imagine sex ever again. At the same time, I am not sure that I want to give up this relationship. I can’t marry him right away, but if we are able to make it past this, then I might marry him in the future. It’s just that I can’t even think of all of this right now. It overwhelms me.”
How Surveillance Can Help Prove or Disprove InfidelityGetting married or settling down with a long term partner can be one of the most wonderful things that anyone can hope for in life. In our society, romantic love and close relationships are cherished, and many of us do our utmost to make sure that they are successful and that we make our other half feel loved and special.
Emotional Distance After Having An Affair“When I first found out about his affair, my husband immediately acted like he wanted to save our marriage. He was all full of apologies and he was clearly panicked. He obviously wanted me to say that I wasn’t going to leave him. I promised that I would not do anything without giving it a lot of thought first. And so far, I have not left him. But I am bothered by the fact that he is so distant emotionally. This bothers me. Last week, a good friend of mine got a devastating diagnosis. And I was so upset. I flung myself in my husband’s arms for comfort. He methodically told me that it would be OK. But he kept his arms at his sides – fists balled up once again and he never once put his arms around me. Sometimes, I want to ask him what is wrong with him. I wonder if he doesn’t love or want me anymore or if he has changed his mind about us. Why would a person be emotionally distant after an affair – especially if he’s claiming to want his wife back?”
Once The Affair Is Finally Over, What Happens Then?“I constantly catch my husband in little half-truths. Since my husband and I are trying to recover from an affair, I understandably demand complete honesty. The things are minor – he will say that they celebrated one person’s birthday at the office, when in fact it was someone different entirely. He will exaggerate the cost of something. I have tried to explain to him that it is important because a habit of little mistruths makes me wonder what else he might be stretching the truth about. At that point, he gets angry, says that everything comes back to the affair, and tells me that no one can get everything accurate 100 percent of the time. I can’t seem to give him the benefit of the doubt anymore. I look for fault and deception everywhere. I am wondering if I need to stop this or if he needs to start telling the complete truth. If so, how do I stop? I have become so suspicious that it is a little unsettling.”
The Other Woman In The Affair: What’s She Really After?A wife might say: “I do not understand what my husband’s other woman is expecting to accomplish. She has her own business and her own money. She is successful. She has never been married and doesn’t seem interested in getting married. So I don’t know what she would be looking to get out of this. What does the other woman typically want?”