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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Relationship Psychology – Why He Cheated

Your man has cheated on you, and you just can’t understand it. Was it because she is younger and prettier? Is he just getting tired of you? Well, the answer to this may surprise you. Generally speaking, these are not the reasons why a man cheats, and it probably isn’t why your man did either.

I Just Can’t Seem To Make My Marriage Work After My Husband’s Affair

I recently heard from a wife who was getting ready to throw up her hands on her marriage. She and her husband had been working to save the marriage after his affair. Neither wanted to give up on the marriage, but things had not been going as well as either of them had hoped. The wife confided that she still felt angry and quite resentful. She still didn’t quite trust him either. And, for his part, the husband told the wife that constantly being questioned and “treated like an awful person” had been no picnic either. In short, there were still a lot of issues which seemingly were not being worked out, despite the fact that both of them were trying and doing their best to pick up the pieces and move on. The wife said, in part: “I’m trying really hard, but I just don’t think we’re going to be able to make the marriage work after his affair. I’m not sure what else there is to do. We tried our best, but our marriage seems to just be broken beyond all repair.”

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