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Alô noventista, muito obrigado por assistir o Canal 90!

Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


My Boyfriend Cheated On Me And Then He Proposed, Can I Trust This?

“I’ve been hoping to get married to this man for quite some time. But he always had a reason why the timing wasn’t right. Last week, I found out that he’d been cheating on me with an old girlfriend. When I caught them, he immediately left her and went running after me. I told him that I wasn’t sure that our relationship could work with this type of damage. A couple of days later, he showed up at my place with an engagement ring. He said that he was so sorry that he messed things up in the way that he did. And this whole thing has made him realize that it is me that he loves and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I would have loved to have heard this two weeks ago. But now it is tainted. Now I feel like he’s just doing this because I caught him cheating. At the same time, I sort of want to accept the proposal because I’ve wanted to marry him from the first moment I saw him. I don’t understand how he can possibly be proposing now.”

Common Reasons That Affairs Don’t Last

“My friends are telling me that affairs never last and that my husband’s affair is eventually going to end without my needing to do a lot about it. They say that I am wasting a lot of energy worrying because the odds are in my favor. In truth, I don’t know a lot of people who have cheated. And the one couple that I do know who met each other when having an affair actually ended up leaving their spouses and getting married. Admittedly, they have a rocky marriage and trust is always an issue between them. But their relationship is still going. So is it true that most affairs don’t last? And if so, why?”

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