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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


There’s More to the Shoe Than the Fit

If high school subjects and university courses could talk, they would probably yell “How Dare You Cheat On Me?!” at every cheater in an examination. No one wants to be betrayed; the feeling is deadly. So question is, “why do people cheat?”

Ghana Life: Banking on Female Promiscuity

A leading prophylactics manufacturer, after a recent survey in 36 countries, named the women of Ghana the world’s most unfaithful, with 62 percent of the women questioned admitting they often cheat on their boyfriends and husbands. It has long been appreciated that Ghana is home to some of the world’s most beautiful women, but to find that their charms are so widely available comes as a shock. In polite company most Ghanaian women present a demure Protestant demeanour. If the survey results are to be believed, this cool exterior conceals an inner furnace of primitive passion, but, more likely, some suspect, the rubber processors have adjusted their results to suit their own purposes.

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