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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


How to Know If Your Partner Is Cheating on You

There must be 1,000 posts on the internet over forums, books and article sites trying to give advice to women trying to answer this question… and they are all useless, so I decided to do my own! In a lot of cases you may be asking yourself “am I paranoid?”

The Things You Need After You Have Gone Through An Affair

An affair involves two people. Three people to be more accurate, but I am only talking about the couple here. We are going to discuss the situation after an affair, so it is better that we leave the intruder out of this. In fact, the objective is to keep the affair itself out of your life. Now coming to the two people, one of them is guilty and the other the victim. But both need some help to get back to normalcy.

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