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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Save Your Marriage by Letting Your Husband CHEAT on You

If your marriage is falling apart and you’ve tried everything to tie it back together, with no results, then your only option to avoid divorce may be having your husband cheat on you – ON PURPOSE! Instead of sitting at home, wondering why your husband isn’t back from the office yet, or wondering if he really is at that poker game he says he goes to every Tuesday night, you can set ground rules that let you feel in control, allow you to keep track of your man, and keep him happy, all at the same time.

Healing From Infidelity – 8 Steps to a Stronger Marriage

The whole process of healing from infidelity is meant to help you analyze the vulnerabilities that existed in your marriage before the affair and develop a strategy to repair or eliminate those vulnerabilities and then emerge from the process with a strong and happy marriage.  Rebuilding the marriage can often take quite awhile to do and is not easy.

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