“Eu não teria chegado aqui sem ela”, diz Xand Avião sobre Solange Almeida

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ’TV FAMA’, Xand Avião repercutiu o reencontro que teve com sua ex-parceira de banda, Solange Almeida, durante a ‘Farofa da Gkay’ do ano passado. Além disso, o cantor comentou sobre a possibilidade dos dois realizarem um projeto para os 20 anos do ‘Aviões do Forró’.

“Não vou deixar a porta fechada, pelo contrário, a porta está aberta. A Sol faz parte da minha história, a gente tem 15 anos juntos”, disse o artista. “Eu não teria chegado aqui sem ela, e tenho certeza que ela não teria chegado até onde chegou sem mim. Tudo pode acontecer”, completou. Confira os detalhes! #TVFAMA

24 Signs Of A Cheater

Relationships are hard work and all couples will go through hard time at one point, the sad truth is that there is a real possibility of your partner being unfaithful. It is important for you to understand what the signs of a cheater are to avoid getting hurt by blindly trusting your spouse.

My Husband Simply Expects Me To Trust Him Again After His Affair – Shouldn’t He Have To Earn It?

“My husband cheated on me when I was distracted caring for an ill parent who was in the hospital. I know that this was a stressful time for our family. I did the best that I could. So of course when I find out that my husband has been cheating on me, it is shocking and devastating. I am open to the idea of saving our marriage. But I am also guarded about this. I am constantly suspicious of my husband. If he works late, I assume he is cheating on me again. He keeps saying: ‘you have got to start trusting me.’ I don’t see why. It’s only been a couple of months. And I have asked him to earn my trust by calling to check in and by going to counseling, but he seems to resist both. He acts as if I have to take the first step by trusting him, but I think that it is the other way around. I think that the first step is his being accountable and proactive so that he EARNS my trust back. Who is right?”

My Husband Feels Guilty, But Not Remorseful, About The Affair – What Is The Difference?

“It has honestly taken me about three weeks to get my husband to admit to feeling any guilt at all about having an affair. How can you not feel completely crushed by the knowledge that you did this horrible thing to your spouse? Anyway, my husband will finally admit that he does feel guilty because he understands that cheating in general is a pretty deplorable thing to do. But when I press him on whether he feels remorse, he says that he does not. I ask him how you can feel guilt and not remorse. He says that the emotions are very different. He say that he theoretically knows that cheating is wrong – thus the guilt. But he also says that the relationship did offer him some things that he needed at the time. And he said that in its own way, the affair was a special relationship that he would not have wanted to pass up. What am I supposed to do with this? He claims that he wants to save our marriage, but without him feeling remorse and regret, I’m not sure how we are ever going to make it. Is it even possible?”

My Husband’s Anger At Himself About His Affair Affects Our Entire Family

“When I caught my husband cheating, he literally started banging his head against the wall. Then he starting hitting himself on the top of his head with his hands. I stopped him on that day, but every day since, he is on edge. He tells me that he hates himself. He told my mother that I would be better off if I divorced him because I deserve better than him and then he started sobbing. As weird as it might sound, I do want to save my marriage. But my husband turns around everything that I say. No matter what the topic of conversation is, he will bring it back to how he is ‘no good’ and then I’m left not knowing what to say. I don’t want to be in a position where I’m trying to get him to come around. Because I almost feel as if the roles should be reversed. He’s always angry. He snaps at the kids and he has never done this before. He gets short with me, but then he backs down. But his anger at himself bleeds into the rest of our lives and I’m not sure how to handle it.”

I’m In A Text War With The Other Woman In My Husband’s Affair And I Can’t Seem To Stop

“Honestly, I really wanted to have it out with the other woman face to face. But every one told me that this was a bad idea, so I figured that I would text her instead. I figured that I could just turn my phone off or ignore her if things got out of hand. And I really wanted her to stop trying to contact my husband and to be sorry for what she did. Well, it turns out that I can’t just turn it off as easily as I thought. She will say such nasty and awful things to me. She will text me repeatedly throughout the day. Sometimes, she sends me picture of them together. She has taken to posting on Facebook and messaging me constantly. It’s as if she is determined that I can’t have a moment’s peace. When I tell her that this needs to stop, she tells me that I am the one who started it. Believe me, I wish that I had not started it. And I don’t want to back down from her. But this is taking a huge toll on me.”

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