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Alô noventista, muito obrigado por assistir o Canal 90!

Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


What Is The Other Woman’s Perception Of The Wife?

“Do most ‘other women’ think that the wife is a horrible person who is not deserving of her husband? Because that is the only reason that I can come up with that would allow a woman to betray another woman in this way. Is this what most of them think? That the wife is an awful person? I’m not a bad person. I’ve never been anything but a good wife to my husband. But she must not be aware of this.”

I Want My Husband To Think The Other Woman Is Cheating On Him, How Do I Accomplish This?

“I am trying to determine the best way to get my husband to think that his other woman is cheating on him. There have been times when I knew my husband was so close to breaking it off with her. But she seems to have some sort of hold over him. He keeps saying that he needs time, but he will not end the relationship. And he doesn’t seem to want to end our marriage either. I think if he could somehow get mad at her for something, that would do it and we could go on with our lives. I’ve tried showing him that she’s only out for his money, but she seems to sense this and then she will stop asking for things. This weekend, I was out with a friend and I actually saw the other woman at a restaurant with another man. They were laughing and they looked like more than friends. I got excited, but my friend told that this was the other woman’s childhood friend. I honestly wish I’d taken photos of them to suggest to my husband that she is cheating on him. How can I make him think she’s cheating?”

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