Rodrigo Mussi faz primeira aparição pública após acidente de carro

Rodrigo Mussi fez sua primeira aparição pública após sofrer um acidente de carro em São Paulo (SP). Na imagem divulgada na última quinta-feira (26), o ex-BBB apareceu sorridente, com o cabelo curto e a barba aparada durante uma entrevista ao ‘Fantástico’. Saiba todos os detalhe! #TVFAMA

The Other Woman In The Affair Claims My Husband Loves Her In A Very Special, Unbreakable Way

“I did not reach out to the other woman. She called me. Turns out, she wanted to tell me that she and my husband are deeply in love and that they are so close that they share a bond that can never be broken no matter how hard I try. She says my husband has repeatedly told her that he’s never felt anything like what he feels with her and that he never had that feeling with me – even when we were dating. She says that my husband told her that he married me only out of a sense of obligation. She informed me that she felt like she just had to be honest with me and tell me that I am wasting my time trying to save a marriage that was never right in the first place. I am so upset by this. I try to put it out of my head, but I can’t. My brain keeps echoing with her claims. Tonight, my husband tried to be sweet to me, but I was cold to him because in my mind he was just faking it because he can’t possibly feel for me what he felt for her.”

What Happens When The Other Person In An Affair Wants To Talk To The Spouse?

“The other woman wants to sit down and talk to my wife. I have told both of them that the affair is over. But the other woman feels the need to ‘say her peace.’ I will admit that my wife has been bad-mouthing the other lady all over town. And so the other woman believes that if they can both sit down as human beings, she can explain that she didn’t think that I was married initially and that now that she understands that, she is willing to walk away. She wants to stress that she’s not a bad person and never intended to hurt anymore. Frankly, I never hid my marriage from her and I’m not sure that I believe what she is saying. But she says that this is for my wife’s benefit, not for mine. And she seems to strongly feel the need for this meeting. I do not think that my wife would be opposed to such a meeting, if for no other reason than she would relish the opportunity to ‘tell off’ the other woman. Is this ever a good idea? Because no one seems to be willing to drop it?”

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