Gestor de consultoria usa cantada inusitada para conquistar as gatas | Vai Dar Namoro

O gestor de consultoria Miguel, de 24 anos, chegou cheio de carisma no palco do Vai Dar Namoro e usou o bom humor para conquistar as participantes. Mesmo assim, ele não conseguiu conversar com ninguém.

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My Spouse Insists That He Thought Our Marriage Was Over Before He Had An Affair, I Disagree

“I can not believe what kind of nonsense my husband is trying to feed me. I caught him cheating with a woman at his work. I asked him how he could risk our marriage over someone as low class as this woman. His response to me was: ‘I considered our marriage over at the time. Our marriage was dead to me long before I even thought of her in that way.’ That this stopped me in my tracks. He never had any negative things to say about our marriage. He seemed reasonably happy, to be honest. None of this makes any sense because he’s suggesting that maybe we go to counseling and he’s not making any move to leave. Why isn’t he moving out if he thinks our marriage is over? If he was so unhappy before, why isn’t he getting out of here and going to be with her? He says that he has no interest in her anymore and that he’s open to see what is going to happen with us. I have my doubts though, because of what he said. Why would he say our marriage was over to him and now be showing this interest?”

Feeling The Need To Constantly Spy On Your Spouse Since The Affair? These Insights Might Help

“I feel so stupid to admit this, but I did not suspect my husband of cheating. I did not notice anything at all different. The only reason I caught him is because I happened to be running errands and I walked by a restaurant and happened to look in the window. Since that time, he has begged me not to leave him. He claims that he has told me everything that I wanted to know. He comes right home after work. Most of the time, he comes home for lunch or I meet him for lunch, so he clearly can not be continuing to cheat at lunch. The problem is that there is this little voice telling me that he might still be cheating and that there is something I don’t know. So I have taken to spying. I look on his phone, his email, and even his pager. I’ve looked around in his car. He has caught me in some of this. And every time he does catch me, he acts either sad or angry. He says that all I need to do is ask him. But he says that I can’t not trust him forever.”

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