TV Fama (06/06/22) | Completo

Fique por dentro das notícias de celebridades e bastidores do mundo da fama. #TVFama

My Husband’s Excuse For Cheating Is Self Hatred, Is This Valid?

“For weeks, I have tried to get my husband to be honest with me about why he cheated on me with one of his coworkers. He wouldn’t really say anything about it. Until I got really angry and forceful with him. And then he blurted out that he thought he cheated because he felt bad about himself at this point in his life. I told him that this was crazy talk because my husband is one of the most confident people that I know. He is very successful and he is very well liked, so it is hard for me to buy this. He said that he really feels his age and he feels that people only like him because of his success. He says that deep down, he feels like a fraud. He felt that the other woman saw the real him and liked him anyway. I suppose I should appreciate his attempt at honestly, but I just do not buy it. Is this a common excuse?”

Are There Any Good Reasons To Stay With A Husband Who Cheated On You?

“It’s only been a couple of days since I found out about my husband’s affair. He is all but begging me to stay put and to try to work it out with him. He is telling me that I will never know how sorry he is, etc. Some of my friends are urging me to move out and to stay with them for a while. I am tempted to do this, but I am concerned as to what might happen to my marriage if I leave. I am also concerned my husband will go back to the other woman in this scenario. Granted, I am not even saying I want my marriage because I don’t know if I do. Are there any advantages to staying put for now?”

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