Candidato é reconhecido e admite ter participado da “Farofa da Gkay” | Vai Dar Namoro

Jonathan, de 21 anos, foi reconhecido assim que entrou no palco. Com vários seguidores, ele participou da famosa “Farofa da Gkay”, mas disse não ter ficado com ninguém lá. Será que ele conquistou alguém no Vai Dar Namoro?

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My Spouse Left After I Discovered The Affair – He’ll Only Return Home If I Don’t Discuss It

“When I found out about my husband having an affair, I kicked him out of the house. He told me that I needed to think very carefully about throwing him out because he may not be willing to come back. We started talking on the phone regularly. The conversations began to flow pretty well. After a while, there started to be talk of him coming back home. I was very clear on the fact that I could not offer him any guarantees. But he still seemed willing to come home. Well, yesterday we were talking about him coming home and he announced that he had some reservations. He said that I said some awful things to him the last time he was home and that he doesn’t want to go through this again. So, he’s saying that he will only come home if I don’t ‘harp on the affair.’ I feel that he is limiting the very thing that we need to talk about the most.”

The Other Woman In The Affair Doesn’t Want To Get Her Own Life

“I know that it is mostly a mistake to begin a relationship with the woman who cheated with your husband. This was never my intention to be honest. Initially, I just wanted to talk to her to get closure. But she wasn’t the ogre that I thought she would be. She had real feelings for my husband. And she actually is a nice person who is going through a hard time. The problem is that it appears that she can not let go. I know that it’s weird, but she confides in me. She says that she pulls out photos of my husband and that she has memories. She says that she knows she needs to turn the corner, but she can not. She says that she doesn’t even want to end her relationship with me, as silly as this might sound. I know that this isn’t the ideal thing, but I feel like I want to help her move on, but how can I do this when I have my own problems?”

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