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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


For Me, The Worst Part Of My Spouse’s Cheating Is The Lies And The Dishonesty

“When my husband and I were dating, he knew that honesty was the most important thing to me in terms of my relationships. My mother is a pathological liar and this has hurt me for my entire life. Also, my ex fiancee lied to me about really important things which is why we never got married. I think that honesty says everything about a person’s character and my current husband knows this. And that is why it doesn’t surprise him to know how angry I am about his affair. The fact that he had sex with someone else bothers me, of course. But what bothers me about ten times more than that is the dishonesty. I can not stop thinking about it. My husband is absolutely begging me to give him another chance. And I did agree to that for a time. But, now I doubt any claim that comes out of his mouth. I always think that he is lying to me and that is no way to have a marriage. Being truthful is very important to me. I wouldn’t hang out or do business with a dishonest person so I do not want to be married to one.”

Why Would A Man Want To Start A Family When He’s Been Cheating?

“It took me a very long time to accept the fact that my husband was probably cheating on me. Because the circumstances just did not make any sense. After trying to save enough money for a home, my husband and I were finally able to close about six months ago. We have both been wanting to start a family but we waited until we could bring that same baby home to a stable home. Since that has finally happened, we have been trying to become pregnant. This has been a very happy time for me. But after about two months of trying, I got a phone call from a woman saying that she has been having a relationship with my husband. He denied this. He said the woman was pursuing him. I believed him because I didn’t believe he would be trying to have a baby while cheating. Then, my mother saw him at a restaurant with another woman. The description sounded like the same woman who called me. Again, I confronted my husband. He said that they are friends. At this point, I don’t believe him anymore. Why would a man who is trying to start a family cheat?”

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