TV Fama (23/06/22) | Completo

Fique por dentro das notícias de celebridades e bastidores do mundo da fama. #TVFama

What Are Men Thinking When They Cheat And Then Want Their Wives Back?

“I was so shocked when the man who I have been seeing told me that we can’t be together anymore. He has gone out of his way to see me every night for about six weeks. We get along wonderfully. And, on the rare occasions that he would talk about his wife, it wouldn’t be a favorable conversation. He mostly described her as a nag who didn’t understand and appreciate him. So, when he broke it off, I assumed that I did something wrong. It never occurred to me that he would want to work on his marriage. So I asked him what I had done. I told him that this whole thing was so confusing to me. All he would say would that the relationship wasn’t right, that it was a mistake, and that he wanted to end it. I finally asked him straight out if he was going back to his wife and he only nodded. This has happened to me a few times. What is wrong with these men? Why do they do this?”

My Cheating Spouse Is Suggesting That I Cheat On Him So That We’re Both Wrong

“My husband cheated on me with our housekeeper of all things. He said it meant nothing to him. He doesn’t understand why I’m so hurt and angry. He doesn’t get why I don’t trust him and am always suspicious of him now. And he has no patience with this process. He gets angry at me when I question him or ask for concessions, as if I don’t deserve a little bit of extra attention and consideration. The other day, he got angry at me when I asked him why he came home late. And then he blurted out that he wanted for me to cheat on him because he wants us to be even so that I will back off about his cheating. I told him that this was ridiculous, but he continued to insist. I was very mad about this. And then when the anger ended, I was hurt. I wouldn’t and couldn’t cheat on my husband. This just isn’t in my make up. What kind of man tells his wife to go out and have an affair just to ease his own burden and guilt? Sometimes, I think that there is no hope for us. Is there?”

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