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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Why Does A Man Need A Mistress?

There are many different reasons why a man cheats. But the most common is because often men marry, not because they want to, but because it’s time to get married. If all his friends are married, relatives are constantly reminding him that it’s time to get married; the man starts to feel that he is not “complete”.

My Spouse Seems To Be Hurting After His Affair – Is He Hurting Because It’s Over?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband admitted to an affair about six weeks ago. It wasn’t completely unexpected because something had obviously been going on with him. And he had been avoiding me and wasn’t home very much. He says that he wants to save our marriage and he promises that the affair relationship is over. He says that he knows that if we work hard, we can get our marriage back. But he walks around the house with a scowl on his face. I have asked him why he is acting this way and he denies that he is acting in any specific way. Sometimes, he will say that he is upset because of the mess that he has made. But I am not so sure. I think that he is upset because he misses the other woman. I think he is sad because the affair ended. I have brought this up to him and he got very angry and denied it. Could I be right? Could he be hurt and mourning because the affair ended? And does this mean that my marriage is over?” I will address these concerns below.

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