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Alô noventista, muito obrigado por assistir o Canal 90!

Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


My Husband Says He’s Tempted To Cheat On Me Because I Don’t Give Him Enough Sex

I heard from a wife who said: “for the last several months, I could not help but notice that my husband has been openly staring at other women in my presence. Our marriage has been challenged within the last year and half because I have added additional responsibilities to my life. This has caused stress with our marriage. The other day, he was openly gawking at the waitress when we were eating. I couldn’t take it anymore so I asked him if he was cheating on me or having an affair. He responded that no, he is not having an affair. But then he said that sometimes my behavior makes him want to have one. I asked him what in the world he meant by this. He said that I’m so insecure and needy that it gets exhausting to reassure me all of the time. He also said that I never have time for him anymore and that our sex life has become unsatisfactory because we are not intimate nearly enough. How am I supposed to handle this? I need my husband’s support at this time in my life. But clearly sex is more important to him than supporting me.”

Can a Person’s Behavior Be Used To Determine If They Are Lying?

Have you ever wondered if a person’s behavior can be used to determined they are telling a lie or being deceitful about their infidelity? Under certain circumstances the answer is yes.

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