Sorridente, Guilherme gosta de mulheres “chatas” e que “riem de piadas bobas”

Guilherme, de 25 anos, é garçom e está sozinho há três anos e meio. Seu último relacionamento terminou por imaturidade. Sorridente, o participante diz gostar de mulheres “chatas” e que “riem de piadas bobas”. Será que ele vai encontrar uma pretendente no programa?

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Why Is The Woman My Husband Cheated With Saying It’s Still Happening?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair with a woman who works in the same office as him, but not for the same company. They rode the same train to work. As soon as I found out, my husband promised to break it off. I now drive my husband to work so that he isn’t stuck on the train with her. I haven’t noticed any strange behavior on his part. He comes right home from work and we have been spending many evenings in counseling. Things had been looking up until I started getting emails from the other woman claiming that the affair is still going on. She says it hasn’t ended and that my husband is still interested in her. I have no idea what to think. On the one hand, I know that he is driving to work every morning with me. I also know that he is coming right home. So the only opportunity he would have to carry on an affair is maybe during his lunch hour. Why would she be staying that they’re still in a cheating relationship when the facts say that they’re not?”

5 Reasons Not to Accuse Your Spouse of Cheating

You may turn to ways of finding out if your spouse is cheating because he/she is being suspicious. If you sit and think about these feelings, however, before you accuse anyone, it may just be you. You may be over analyzing the situation, and you may even find issues within yourself.

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