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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Overcoming Insecurity – How to Overcome Insecurity in Relationships for Women

Insecurities are something that grips us all at some point in our lives. Being insecure is normal if you are being treated badly, someone lies or cheats. After this happens you feel the least confident in yourself. No one goes into a relationship thinking that they are going to be insecure, but somehow it shows up and it can get pretty worrisome for you and your partner.

I Know That I Have To Let Go Of My Hatred Toward The Other Woman – But How Can I?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband’s affair has been over for six months. I am pretty sure that he has stopped all contact with the other woman. We are slowly making progress on our marriage. It still hurts, but it’s slowly improving. My main problem is the raw and intense hatred that I feel for her. I know this person. She is the mother of one of my child’s classmates. So I have to see her fairly regularly. And when I do, my whole body shakes. I start to sweat. I’d really like to go and have a physical confrontation with her but I know that I’m not going to do that. I want to stop having negative feelings toward her. I don’t want to stop feeling anything at all. How do I get rid of my intense hatred toward this woman? Because I feel like as long as I continue to feel this way, she continues to win.”

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