Gusttavo Lima é denunciado por irregularidade em propaganda de bebida

Gusttavo Lima entra em mais uma polêmica. Desta vez, o sertanejo foi alvo de denúncias feitas pelo Ministério Publico Federal da Bahia, pela associação de bebidas. Motivo: irregularidades durante uma ação publicitária. #TVFama

Should I Try To Make The Other Woman Leave My Husband And End The Affair?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband has been having an affair with a woman at work for seven months. At first, I thought it was nothing serious, but it has gone on for much longer than I thought. I have threatened him that he must end it, but he won’t. No matter what I do or say, I always catch him still being with her. At this point, it’s clear that there’s nothing I can do to get him to be the one to end things. So I figure I have to come up with a way to get her to be the one to leave the relationship. I have thought about bringing my kids to the office so that she will see them and feel guilty enough to end things. I have thought of threatening her. I have thought about asking her to lunch and just appealing to her sense of decency. But I don’t know if any of these things are going to work or are the right thing to do. How can I make her leave the relationship so that my husband has no choice but to save our marriage?”

Interoffice Relationships – Can Any Good Possibly Become of Them?

Having a relationship with someone you work with can be nerve-racking and uncomfortable, at best. When you attempt to do this, the next thing you know, you will find yourself sneaking around, attempting not to be seen by anybody. Then, you’ll find yourself lying and striving to keep your little affair from being discovered by your coworkers. In this article, we discuss the tricky subject of interoffice relationships.

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