Mauricio Mattar diz que Guilherme de Pádua assediava homens

Em entrevista à Revista Isto É, o ator e cantor Maurício Mattar fez uma revelação bombástica sobre Guilherme de Pádua, condenado pela morte de Daniela Perez. Segundo Mattar, Pádua costumava assediar homens e pedia para ver sua intimidade.

I Want The Other Woman To Look Me In The Eye And Apologize – Am I Wrong?

I heard from a wife who said: “I actually knew the other woman. She lives in our neighborhood and she works out at our gym. It’s not as if we are next door neighbors or best friends or anything like that. But we are acquaintances. I was in a car accident and in the hospital when she came over with a covered dish and obviously with something else for my husband and this is how the affair started. I feel so betrayed and hurt by this. When I was the most vulnerable, this nasty woman took advantage of this and then started an affair with my husband. As soon as I found out, my husband said he would immediately end things and even move if I wanted. Well, I don’t want to move. This is my home. What I really want is for her to come into my home or the scene of the crime so to speak, look me in the eye, and give me a heartfelt apology. However, when I shared my thoughts with my husband, he felt that this was a bad idea. Is he right? Do I deserve an apology? Should I demand one?”

How to React When Caught in the Act of Cheating

Wanting to be with someone other than your partner is natural, but giving in to the desire and cheating on them means that the relationship is just not important enough anymore, for love is all about choosing to be with your partner in spite of lust for others. People cheat usually when they have lost interest in their partner, or their partner has lost interest in them. In both situations, cheating on your partner is not the best way out.

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