Leo Picon debocha de treta entre Jade Picon e Yasmin Brunet: “Elas estão namorando”

Leo Picon fez brincadeira com a treta entre sua irmã, Jade Picon e Yasmin Brunet. Questionado sobre o suposto desentendimento entre as moças, ele disse que iria se pronunciar pela irmã e declarou: “A Jade está namorando a Yasmin. A verdade é essa: ela e a Yasmin estão tendo um caso”, debochou.

Is There Life After Infidelity? – Life After Marital Trials

Infidelity is a very destructive act that can damage and can leave a permanent scar on someone who has been betrayed and cheated on by their spouse or partner. I myself have experienced this marital deceitful act when my husband cheated on me. I never imagined I would ever get over the pain that has caused me sleepless nights and has given me reasons to question myself, my capability to love and trust again.

How Betrayals in Relationships Affects Each Individuals

In every relationship, there are ups and downs. There are problems and issues that may strengthen or ruin the bond between two people. One of the most common, and also one of the most destructive problems that a married couple or any relationship can face is INFIDELITY. No married individual would want or even think of going through this kind of marital predicament.

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