Jogador de futebol conquista pretendente usando cara ou coroa | Vai Dar Namoro

O jogador de futebol Felipe, de 18 anos, revelou que procura uma namorada para ir com ele para a Itália, onde vai atuar em um time da terceira divisão. Com uma cantada usando cara ou coroa, ele acabou conquistando uma chance de desencalhar!

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Do You Think You Have a Cheating Spouse? Here Are a Few Things to Do

Modern life, for some, is all about enjoying all your experiences to the fullest within a short period of time. Many people have their attention drawn, whether in search of quick money or instant joy, be it in the form of drinking, smoking, gambling, spouse cheating (or “playing around” or “fooling around”) and so many other hurtful ways to get a thrill.

My Anger Is Just Beginning To Come Out Even Though The Affair Has Been Over For A While – Why?

I heard from a wife who said: “for weeks after my husband’s affair, I was very calm. It wasn’t that I wasn’t mad or upset. I was. But those weren’t the emotions that came through. Mostly, I was hurt and sad. I just kept thinking about what might be lost. As the days went by, my sadness started to abate just a little and I began to try to find ways to cope. My husband seemed to be relieved that I was mostly focused on recovery and he was happy to go to counseling with me. The problem is that during counseling, I’ve started to experience a lot of anger. But I don’t completely understand this. It’s been months after I found out about the affair and now, all of a sudden, I’m as angry as though it were the first day. My husband doesn’t understand why I’m so angry all of a sudden and frankly, I don’t quite get it either. Why am I suddenly so angry and what does this mean for my recovery?”

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