Estudante bonitão revela talentos, mas acaba levando um toco | Vai Dar Namoro

O estudante de engenharia química João Pedro, de 23 anos, mora em São Carlos (SP) e está solteiro há apenas seis meses. Para acabar com a solidão, ele mostrou todo seu talento com uma habilidade nada convencional, mas acabou contando apenas com sua beleza para tentar uma chance com as meninas.

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Should I Tell My Husband’s Coworker That I Know She Is Cheating With Him?

I heard from a wife who said: “I found some texts on my husband’s phone that make it very obvious that he has been cheating with a woman at work. I don’t know this woman. But I looked on the company directory and I know where her office is located. I am wondering if I should stand in the employee parking lot and confront her when she comes out to her car. I also find myself thinking about emailing her to let her know that I am very aware that she is cheating with my husband and that her behavior must stop immediately. However, my best friend says that she thinks that this is the wrong approach. She says I am better off approaching my husband first and then dealing with the other woman. Who is right?”

Facing Infidelity

We have to face the reality that not all marriages can last a lifetime. If you take a survey, you would learn that a large percentage of marriages end up in divorce. There are many reasons why a marriage or a couple breaks up. One reason is probably their personal differences, but one of the reasons why a lot of marriages dissolve is infidelity. Infidelity is one of the “deadliest” root causes of many broken marriages or relationships.

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