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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Should I Insist That My Husband Has No Further Contact With The Woman He Cheated With?

I often hear from wives who aren’t sure what to demand of their husband after he has been caught cheating or having an affair. Many immediately want to demand that their husband cut off all contact with the other woman. But sometimes, the husband balks at this request or friends and family offer advice that makes the wife second guess her inclinations. I heard from a wife who said: “My husband admitted to cheating with a woman at his gym. I want him to switch gyms and to immediately cut off any and all contact with her. He’s telling me how much he loves the gym and his trainer and that he doesn’t want to leave. Also, my girlfriend is telling me that if I demand he abruptly cut off all contact, he will resent me and the other woman is more likely to not accept it since it was so abrupt. So who is right? Should I make him cut off all contact or should I let him decide this for himself?” I’ll tell you my take on this in the following article.

Learning How To Forgive and Dealing With Infidelity

It is quite hard to forgive particularly if your spouse has been cheating on you. Forgiveness, nonetheless, is essential when you’re dealing with infidelity. Forgiveness will make it easier for you to conquer the agony.

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