No hospital Jô Soares fez piada ao revelar de quem ele não queria receber visita, disse apresentador

O apresentador do TV Fama, Fefito revelou na noite desta sexta-feira (05) durante a exibição do programa especial em homenagem a Jô Soares que o comediante, mesmo internado, fazia piada junto à equipe médica que o tratava. Segundo ele, Jô deixava claro quem era a pessoa da qual ele não queria receber visita. #TVFama

4 Signs Your Flirtation or Friendship Has Become An Affair

Few people who are truly committed to their marriages go looking for affairs. But flirtations and friendships between men and women outside marriage can spin out of control if you don’t know the signs.

My Wife Doesn’t Believe The Affair Is Over – What Can I Do To Prove It To Her?

I sometimes hear from couples who are dealing with remaining suspicions about an affair. Sometimes I hear from husbands who are having a hard time convincing their wives that the affair is over. From them, I often hear comments like: “I swear the affair is over. But no matter what I do or say, my wife thinks I’m lying to her. She seems to think that I’m only claiming the affair is over so that she’ll trust me again and let down her guard so I can continue cheating. This isn’t at all true. I ended the affair and I haven’t called, texted, or interacted with the other woman. This doesn’t seem to be enough. How can I convince her that the affair is over?”

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