Adeus a Jô Soares: famosos marcam presença no velório do artista

Artistas compareceram ao velório de Jô Soares nesta sexta-feira em São Paulo. A cerimônia foi realizada em um local restrito. Entre os amigos que passaram pelo local para dar o último adeus a Jô estavam o apresentador Danilo Gentili, o ator Dan Stulbach entre outros. #TVFama

3 Types of Infidelity and What They Mean

Infidelity comes in different forms. One-night stands, serial philandering and romantic affairs have their own dynamics, impacts and characteristics which affect the chances of avoiding divorce from infidelity rescuing your marriage.

Is Frequenting Adult Websites Infidelity?

If you’re spending time online in imaginary encounters, you’re neglecting your spouse in favor of fictional characters who you are ‘sharing’ with an unknown number of other people. You’re doing severe damage to your marriage.

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