Jornalista diz que Simaria estaria apaixonada pelo cunhado Kaká Diniz.

O jornalista Thiago Sodré do portal Fama e Fato afirmou, por meio de uma publicação, que Simaria estaria apaixonada pelo cunhado Kaká Diniz, marido de Simone. E, segundo ele, este seria o real motivo da separação da dupla. Como se não bastasse, ainda segundo o jornalista, Simaria estaria tendo um romance do DJ Ivis para esquecer o cunhado.

My Husband And I Both Cheated – What Now?

I heard from a wife who said: “both my husband and I cheated on one another last year. My own affair was in response to my husband’s. He cheated first and I was so hurt that I checked out of our marriage. We separated and during the separation, I met another man and began a relationship. I did so because I honestly thought our marriage was over. However, a couple of weeks ago, my husband called and asked me to lunch. He told me that he missed me more than he could express and asked if there was any chance for us to try to save our marriage. He said that obviously we would need counseling to work through our two affairs. I wouldn’t mind saving my marriage. But I feel like my affair was less egregious than his. I would not have cheated if he hadn’t cheated first. How do couples deal with it when they’ve both cheated? Is the healing twice as hard?” I will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Getting Past Infidelity – How to Trust My Boyfriend After He Cheated

After infidelity, trusting your boyfriend can seem impossible. There’s a way though. You can learn to have faith in him again so you don’t fear that he’ll give himself to some other woman again. You just need to trust in yourself.

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