Nicole Bahls vai apresentar reality show LGBTQIA+: “Minha primeira experiência”

Nicole Bahls disse ao TV Fama que está se preparando para apresentar um reality show LGBTQIA+ ao lado de David Brasil. Trata-se do reality ‘Cruzeiro Colorido’. “Eu amo reality show, ou participando ou dirigindo”.

So, Your Husband Had an Emotional Affair? – What to Do Now

Did your husband recently have an emotional affair? Are you worried about what this means to your marriage? Are you trying to get your marriage back to the way it was? If you follow these simple tips, you will be on your way to getting your marriage back on track even though your husband had an emotional affair.

How Can I Stop Having Pity Parties For Myself After My Husband’s Cheating?

I had a wife tell me, in part: “it’s the old standard cliche. My husband had an affair. I know that I am not the first wife to ever be cheated on and I certainly won’t be the last. I am trying very hard to move on. I am not sure if I’m going to save my marriage but I know that I want to save myself. But I’m having issues with always feeling sorry for myself. The thing is, my mother was going through a bout of cancer and I was going back and forth between my house and hers to care for her.

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