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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Emotional Cheating – How to Know When Your Spouse Is Guilty of Emotional Cheating

Do you suspect your spouse of emotional cheating? What makes you suspect? In this short article you’ll find out what constitutes an emotional affair, the signs of emotional cheating, and with a tip at the end on how to go about repairing your marriage or relationship.

Writing A Letter To The Other Woman: Should You?

I often hear from women who feel as if they just need to contact the woman who cheated with their husband. Some of these wives want to confront the other woman face to face. They want to try to read her eyes and evaluate her truthfulness. Others suspect that a face to face meeting would be too difficult or that it wouldn’t really settle anything. So, they decide that maybe writing the other woman a letter or sending her an email might be viable or preferable option. And most of the time, I agree that avoiding a face to face confrontation is the way to go. Of all of the people who contact me about this issue, I can only think of a few instances where a meeting with the other woman turned out to be a good thing. You often go into it thinking that having your say or facing her is going to give you closure when in fact, often times, it does the opposite. It leaves you with more questions because she won’t give you straight answers or she gives answers that are meant to hurt you or to make herself look better.

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