Tony Ramos: “Vou trabalhar até a hora que não achar mais graça nisso”

O ator Tony Ramos disse que ainda está com gás para seguir trabalhando e, por conta disso, não pensa em aposentadoria. Por outro lado, ao TV Fama, ele disse que vem diminuindo gradualmente o ritmo de trabalho

Why Does My Husband’s Mistress Have So Much Power Over Him?

I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “I just don’t get the hold this other woman has on my husband or the power she seems to have over him. My husband is a smart and successful man. He doesn’t usually take orders from anyone. He isn’t usually easily impressed. And yet he’s willing to risk nearly everything for this woman. He’s willing to jump through all sorts of hoops or give up his family just to make her happy. I just do not understand it. Is she always going to have this sort of power over him?”

Surviving an Affair – Can There Be Too Much Honesty

Perhaps it is difficult to believe that there could ever be a situation where there is too much honesty. After all, many of life’s problems – particularly those within relationships – can be caused because there is just not enough honesty. When you are picking up the pieces after an affair, then honesty really is essential, because it will be impossible to rescue your marriage without it.

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