Mamma relembra os bons tempos e o sucesso de Ra Tim Bum

“Foi a primeira vez que eu tive notícia que um programa brasileiro infantil, ganhou em Nova York o prêmio de melhor programa infantil do mundo.”

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Cheating in Relationships Should Be a Deal Breaker

Monogamous relationships seem to be a thing of the past if you believe the media reports. More people seem to be accepting or forgiving it with their partners simply because of how it enters our lives on a daily basis. The Internet has made cheating in relationships especially easy and attractive.

Do You Have a Cheating Girlfriend?

Cheating on a partner is usually associated with men, but lately it’s become an epidemic that threatens relationships and families – and women are joining in this infidelity craze. If you suspect that you have a cheating girlfriend, there are ways to find out for sure.

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