João Vitor canta e faz rimas para conquistar a mulherada | Vai Dar Namoro

O participante escolhido do quadro “Cantando No Chuveiro” foi o João Vitor. A cantora Gabi Martins gostou tanto do estudante de Engenharia que se sentou ao lado das participantes para ter uma chance com ele. Sozinho há oito meses, João Vitor cantou e fez rimas para a mulherada no palco para conquistá-las.

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Why Would A Man Cheat But Then Want To Save His Marriage?

I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “I found out three days ago that my husband has been cheating and having an affair with one of our neighbors. When he confessed to me, I fully expected him to tell me that he wanted a divorce and was getting ready to pack his bags. But this isn’t what happened. Instead, he said that he wanted to be honest with me because he wanted to save our marriage. This just makes no sense to me. Why would you cheat on someone to whom you wanted to remain married? My husband knows me pretty well. He has watched me support many friends whose marriages were destroyed by infidelity and he knows that I have no tolerance for it. So, when he was cheating, he must have known that once I found out, there was a chance I would leave him. But, here he is confessing but telling me that he wants to stay in the marriage rather than leave it. Can you explain the thinking behind this? Because I just don’t understand why a person who wants to stay married would risk that same marriage by cheating.”

Can My Marriage Be Saved When My Spouse Hates Me For Cheating?

I often hear from people who want to know if their marriage stands a chance after they cheated or had an affair. They are often dealing with a very angry spouse who is feeling many negative emotions toward them. So, things can feel a little hopeless, especially in the beginning. I recently heard from a wife who said in part: “I had an affair a couple of months ago. I didn’t last for long and I never even entertained the thought of leaving my husband. In fact, I still love my husband and desperately want to save my marriage. But my husband openly admits he hates me for having an affair. He says he is willing to try to save our marriage. But his tone of voice doesn’t give me a lot of hope. He looks at me with loathing in his eyes. I understand why he feels the way that he does and I don’t blame him at all. But, does my marriage even stand a chance when he feels such hatred toward me now? Will he ever change his mind? Or should I save us both a lot of heartache and walk away now?”

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