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What Is Cheating?
The formal answer to the question, What Is Cheating, as described by the good-ole dictionary: “Cheating” is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage and/or to deceive or trick. Cheating, having marital affairs, infidelity and adultery are all well known labels and forms of describing unfaithfulness in a relationship. To complicate things further, advances in technology and communications have provided a multitude of conveniences that provide new ways for people to cheat.
Getting Past Infidelity – How to Trust My Girlfriend After She CheatedGetting Past infidelity can be a very tough challenge, and “how to trust my girlfriend after she cheated” is even tougher. Both of them will take a lot of inner searching and communication between the two of you. Cheating in or on a relationship, weather it is your boyfriend or girlfriend, destroys any trust that you both had in your relationship. Most men rely heavily on their pride and their masculinity, and when a woman cheats, he can feel emasculated and insecure about himself.