TV Fama: atriz vence processo na Justiça; cantora está com trauma de amor (23/08/22) | Completo

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Enduring the Pain of Infidelity

Enduring the pain of infidelity can start with an understanding of what the issues actually are. Many of these issues may have been initially overlooked.

Feeling Like Your Husband’s Cheating Ruined Your Life? These Insights Might Help

I sometimes hear from wives who are struggling greatly after a husband’s cheating, infidelity, or affair. I understand how devastating this can feel. You can feel as if your entire married life was a lie. You can feel like the love and commitment was all one sided. And you wonder how you could have been so blind and so vulnerable. I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “My husband’s affair has literally ruined my life. Before I found out about his cheating, I was a happy, trusting, and extroverted person. I had a job I loved and many friends. I had a good marriage that made me very happy. But now, all that has changed. My marriage is in shambles. I no longer trust people and am very guarded. I am no longer happy go lucky. I’ve lost some friends that were mutual to both of us. I feel such rage for my husband for doing this to us. I feel as if my whole life has been stolen, ruined, and taken away. Will I ever stop feeling this way? When will it get better?”

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