Brenda e Matheus, vencedores do Power Couple 6, são os conselheiros do próximo Vai Dar Namoro

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Why Would My Husband Try to Claim That He No Longer Loves Me After He Cheated and Had an Affair?

I often hear from wives who are confused as to why their husband is suddenly claiming not to love them any more after his affair has been discovered. I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “the affair is still pretty fresh. And I am in such pain. I’ve been repeatedly asking my husband why he had an affair. For a while, he kept telling me that he doesn’t know. But yesterday, he finally blurted out ‘because I don’t love you.’ This hurts so much, but it also confuses me because, just three days ago, he was proclaiming his undying love for me and begging for my forgiveness. Why would a man who doesn’t love his wife repeatedly tell her that he does while asking for her forgiveness? I’m not saying that we didn’t have problems in our marriage. But I don’t believe for one second that he doesn’t love me. Why would he claim that he doesn’t?” There are many potential reasons that a husband might claim he doesn’t love you after his affair. I will go over some of them in the following article.

After the Affair – How to Find Forgiveness After the Affair

Your husband or wife has been unfaithful to you and had an affair. You feel that the relationship is in taters and may well be over and you are thinking that it was all down to you.

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