“Tenho problema de autoestima grave”, desabafa Luciana Gimenez

A apresentadora do SuperPop da RedeTV! Luciana Gimenez bateu um papo com o TV Fama sobre autoestima. Gimenez confessou que sofre ao exigir muito de si própria em relação à aparência: “Tenho problema de autoestima grave”, desabafou. #TVFama

Infidelity – Surviving The Experience

Your chances of surviving an infidelity in your marriage will be increased if you can control your emotions. Do you stay together or separate? A tough decision at the best of times and near impossible when you don’t know which emotion you should be feeling. How can you hope to make the right decisions?

Compelling Infidelity Statistics Reveal Increasing Disloyalty

Infidelity is secretive by nature. However, there are a number of well-established facts on the subject that disclose useful information.

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