“Acho que o Silvio não me aproveitou”, desabafa apresentador Luís Ricardo

O apresentador Luís Ricardo, que trabalha no SBT há mais de 30 anos, fez um desabafo ao TV Fama: “Acho que o Silvio não me aproveitou”. Ricardo acredita que foi mal aproveitado durante estas mais de três décadas que atua no canal de Silvio Santos.

A Letter To The Husband Who Cheated And Had An Affair: What Should It Say?

I often hear from women who are struggling to work through their husband’s cheating or affair. Many ask me about writing a letter to put their struggles into written words. Some have even asked me for a sample letter or requested for me to write one for them. I honestly think it’s advisable to be careful and deliberate about any letter that you are going to give your husband. Because this can often set the tone for recovery. And often, such a letter can lead to a lot of hurt feelings or misunderstandings. Plus, it’s always important to remember that your feelings are likely to change a great deal in the coming days, months, or even years. I do understand the allure of a letter. It’s often very challenging to put the difficult things that we feel into verbal words. And so often, we choke up, get emotional, or break down when we try. So we feel like written communication or a letter is going to be easier and more effective. Although I certainly can’t write such a letter for you, I can give you some guidelines on what it might say.

He Says He Wants Me Back After Cheating On Me – What Should I Do?

Does your husband want to get back together with you after cheating? Learn how you can build a fence around your relationship that keeps you secure and happy and also reduces the chances of it happening again..

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