No Escurinho do Cinema, estudante de contabilidade escolhe sua pretendente | Vai Dar Namoro

O estudante de contabilidade Matheus, de 20 anos, ganhou vantagem no Escurinho do Cinema e foi xavecado pela mulherada. Ele conversou com a Maísa, mas não deu certo e a gata quis voltar para o palco. Depois disso, ele cantou as meninas, mas também não deu certo.

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Introducing 3 New Habits to Bring Love Back in Your Marriage

It felt like the rug was pulled right from under you. You never thought in 100 years he would have humiliated you this way. Count the positives, he is still with you.

Infidelity Means Having Less of a Good Thing

Some individuals have reached a point in their lives when they believe that infidelity will bring them an additional facet to their relationships. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. For those who have suffered from the emotional devastation that infidelity can bring, there is an understanding that this is a losing proposition on all sides. When we see a situation where a person is risking the destruction of a marriage, while attempting to possess a small fraction of another’s affection, we see a person who is actually willing to settle for less. There is an irony in all of this, since the person who engages in infidelity is actually looking to obtain the missing pieces that would make up 100% of what they want in life. Instead, they end up with less – or nothing at all.

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