Pretendente leva cheesecake para conquistar as meninas no Vai Dar Namoro

O participante Arthur, de 23 anos, mora na zona norte de São Paulo e trabalha com análise de dados e planejamento. Ele tentou conquistar as gatas com uma deliciosa sobremesa. O pretendente levou um cheesecake para as gatas, preparado por ele.

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What Went Wrong to Cause Infidelity in Your Marriage?

If you asked a cheater why they made the decision to cheat on their spouse, they probably could not give you a good reason. Most likely they are not too sure themselves why they have done this.

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After an affair, you are going to be devastated and looking for answers to why this could have happened to you. You are going to have to work through this difficult time as tough as it may be for you. To help you get through it you need to take care of yourself so you can make it without losing the ability to help those around you.

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