MC DANNY | 05/09/2022 | FAMACAST

FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV FAMA.


After An Affair – The Challenge Of Rebuilding Trust

After the affair, you want to trust your spouse and your spouse is anxious that you trust them. But rebuilding trust is both a painful and long process. It also requires that both of you work towards it. It may look like an impossible situation in that you want to trust your spouse but you are not sure whether to trust them and your spouse wants you to trust them but has no way of knowing that you trust them! The challenge is to find a way through this maze by rebuilding trust little by little.

Cheating Spouses – Uncovering the Truth

Investigating your spouse rarely takes very long. Typically, investigations only last a few weeks at most before you have gathered a sufficient amount of evidence. There are only two possible results that can emerge from any investigation: either your partner is cheating or not.

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