Luciana Vendramini fala sobre como lidava com assédio: “Não tinha internet”

O ‘TV Fama’ conversou com a atriz e ex-modelo, Luciana Vendramini. Divulgando sua nova peça, a atriz falou sobre como lidou com assédio nos anos 80, fãs e até mesmo se o coração já tem alguém. #TVFama

Emotional Affair – Fast Paced Modern Society and Technology Invasion Results In Emotional Infidelity

What is emotional affair? How is it different from just plain friendship with the opposite sex? How can we differentiate emotional affair from just a genuinely honest and non-malicious interaction with our co workers, friends or acquaintances? What is the thin red line that separates a platonic relationship from an affair? These are just a few questions that people ask when it comes to understanding the ins and outs of cheating. First stop, we need to define what an emotional affair is from cheating. Emotional affair does not necessarily mean that your partner is already having sex with the other person. However, this is only the gateway to most known cases of infidelity. Although, having emotional attachments to another person does not warrant anyone to be breaking the law in any state or country, it is a highly dangerous ground that can ultimately result to cheating when left unresolved. No one ever got to jail because of developing romantic feelings for another person other than your wife or husband but if you act on these feelings in sexual ways it can cost you a night behind bars, bail money and an expensive visit to your attorney.

10 Signs Your Partner Is Lying To You – Here Is How To Spot A Liar

Romantic relationships are one of the main breeding-grounds for liars merely because when there’s commitment involved, inevitably, certain expectations are being set. And if these expectations are not met, lies begin to do the compensating. It starts with white lies. Lies that people think are safe and harmless because it makes people feel good and reassured. Say your wife asks you if she looks fat during her third trimester of pregnancy. Even if she looks like a whale, a white lie would indicate otherwise- where you’d probably say “You look like you just gained a few baby fats, Sweetheart, nothing to worry about!” People generally consider white lies to be harmless because they are polite and sensitive to the feelings of one person. These are minor lies and may not necessarily show any physical or verbal traces. On the other hand, well-evolved lies are much more complex. Serious lies, such as making up stories to cover up Boys’ Night Out last night, or denying a crucial accusation which you know can cause critical and life-changing consequences when caught, are definitely detectable.

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