Claudia Raia anuncia gravidez aos 55 anos e brinca: “Não pode ser”

A atriz Claudia Raia e seu marido, Jarbas Homem de Mello estão radiantes ao anunciarem a chegada de um filho. Aos 55 aos, Raia fez um post em suas redes sociais contando que está esperando um filho. Ela deu detalhes de como recebeu a notícia e brincou: “Não pode ser” #TVFama

How To Confront A Cheating Spouse – 10 Things To Consider Before Confronting A Cheating Spouse

Cheating or Infidelity is a violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship. It may arise if a partner in the relationship acts outside of the understood boundaries of that relationship.

Emotional Infidelity In Marriage – 5 Signs Of Emotional Infidelity That Can Destroy Your Marriage

So you justify the affair, telling yourself that he wasn’t really cheating, since they never had sex. If that’s true, why do you feel so bad? Remember when you were in kindergarten and you swore to be ‘best friends’ with the girl or boy down the street? Remember how great that felt, trusting that you had someone in your corner, a real pal who valued your friendship above all others, exclusive, and would never do you wrong? Then one afternoon, you found your best friend huddled over the Hot Wheels track with someone else, playing with the Mustangs and Chevys that only you two had shared before. How did you feel? Below is a checklist of some of the ways emotional affairs can be more dangerous – and insidious – than physical ones.

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