Marido de Claudia Raia anuncia prováveis nomes para o bebê: “Mateu, Pietro, Enrico, Valentina…”

A ator Jarbas Homem de Mello, marido de Claudia Raia, disse ao TV Fama que já tem uma pequena lista com os prováveis nomes para o filho que o casal está esperando. Esta semana, ele e Claudia anunciaram a gravidez: “Tem um monte de nome” #TVFama

Know a Thing or Two About Surviving Infidelity Forums Before You Join One

Learn how infidelity forums can help or worsen your situation. Learn what to consider as you look for help in these forums.

What You Should Know to Catch Cheating Spouses

There are more ways to hide an affair with the advent of new technologies, such as, email, text message and cell phones. There is also much more information available on the subject of marriage infidelity for suspecting partners to identify the signs of unfaithful spouses and how to catch cheating spouses.

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