Sobre ter filhos: “Eu tenho esperança, mas a realidade da muito medo.”

“A cada 23 minutos uma pessoa preta morre.”

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Should You Give a Cheating Spouse a Second Chance?

Your marriage is a covenant between you and your spouse. When that covenant is broken by your spouse by cheating on you, should you stay married to them? Infidelity does not always mean that your relationship is broken beyond repair. Use these questions to judge for yourself whether it’s better to stay married or break it off and move on.

When You Uncover Infidelity In Your Marriage, Should You Stay Together?

When you stumble onto the disturbing trail of deceit, duplicity, and infidelity in your marriage, should you stay together? How could you ever again trust anything your spouse says after they have cheated on you? Although you might feel that way now, the research points out that nearly two-thirds of couples continue to stay married after one of them has an affair. Could you be one of those couples that stays together?

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