Gabriel entra no palco andando de skate! Ele também decide cantar uma música, mas esquece a letra. O rapaz demora tanto para se lembrar, que o sono toma conta do Vai Dar Namoro. O resultado não poderia ser outro: ele faz companhia para os amigos no “reino gelado”. Mais uma vez, Thaís troca de participante e resgata André.
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Infidelity – How Much Can We Blame on His Genes?
Is it really true that infidelity is genetic. The 3 common arguments that cheating men use.
How to Save a Marriage After an Affair and Create a Stronger RelationshipIt’s a common misconception that marriages can not work after people discover that their spouses are having an affair. Although it is possible for couples to rebuild the relationship, surviving an affair takes a lot of effort and time on the part of both husband and wife. Here are some helpful tips on how to save a marriage after an affair and create a strong relationship.